Top Program Organizers Call for Participation


AP2S: Automated Program and Proof Synthesis

Part of the AAAI-24 Bridge Program

Automated Program and Proof Synthesis (AP2S) are two long-standing, closely-related challenges in AI, recently advanced through the incorporation of deep learning. However, much research focuses exclusively on one or the other, instead of leveraging synergies between them. This bridge workshop, a continuation of last year's 2023 inaugural meeting, aims to connect researchers from each sub-field and educate them about the other, including but not limited to recent applications of deep learning. The workshop will involve a series of tutorial lectures followed by group discussion.
When: February 20, 2024
Where: Vancouver Convention Centre -- West Building, Room TBA

**Tentative Schedule, subject to change:

Opening Remarks
Garrett Katz, Syracuse University

Session 1: Program Synthesis
Speakers TBA

Session 2: Interactive Proof Systems
Speakers TBA

Session 3: Automated Theorem Proving
Speakers TBA

Session 4: Group/Panel Discussion
Speakers TBA

Garrett Katz
Syracuse University
Kristopher Micinski
Syracuse University
Automated Program and Proof Synthesis (AP2S) are two long-standing, closely-related challenges in AI, recently advanced through the incorporation of deep learning. However, much research focuses exclusively on one or the other, instead of leveraging synergies between them. This bridge program aims to connect researchers from each sub-field and educate them about the other, including but not limited to recent deep-learning techniques. Contributions are welcome in the form of educational lectures and tutorials.

Program Scope

The focus of the bridge is on underlying principles common to both program and proof synthesis. Both problems involve document generation in strict formal languages, leveraging large structured prior "knowledge" (known theorems or existing software libraries), navigating vast search spaces (possible proofs and programs), and high-level cognitive abilities (creativity and abstraction). Both problems have witnessed recent advances with deep learning, making this program especially timely. Each problem can also be framed as an instance of the other. Grand challenges envisioned for this bridge include: Topics for educational lectures/tutorials include:

Program Structure

The bridge will be a one-day program with the following format: Each session will be separated by a coffee or lunch break.

Target audience and attendance

The bridge aims to include 6-9 educational lectures/tutorials and 20-40 attendees. Space permitting, all are welcome to attend, with priority given to speakers, their collaborators, and students.

Submission Requirements

Proposals for educational lecture/tutorials should include draft presentation slides in PDF format, CVs of the speaker(s) in 2-page NSF Biosketch Format, and a brief cover page. The cover page must include a paragraph summary of the talk, a proposed duration (either 30, 45, or 90 minutes), and the names, affiliations, and contact information for the speaker(s).

Submissions should be made on Microsoft CMT here.

Important dates:

Bridge Chairs